What a morning. I woke with an empty mind. I think I must still be in shock after yesterdays news. There were some tears yesterday, I think there may be more today. I collected Jake from school at lunch time yesterday, I couldn't face being on my own. I need to set a day aside today to grieve. It's another one of those head in the sand days. I know I have a lot of thinking and planning to do. I know I need to get my CV together, there really are countless things I need to do. I just don't want to today. Already the obituaries are appearing on
facebook. Mine reads:
" Well I guess The Fat Lady is belting it out now. I've had many great years working with you all it's been a pleasure."
A lot of good people were let go yesterday. I have my meeting with HR in fifteen minutes to discuss what happens next. I still feel numb, this is another short post
because I can't write when I don't feel and now I don't feel
Good luck at the meeting; good luck getting through the days. It'll all turn out all right in time you know, but meanwhile my thoughts are with you.